
All projects are intended to be taken by a single or at most two persons.

  • Programming projects yield up to a maximum of 6 points, reading projects yield up to a maximum of 3 points. Taking a project implies that it should be completed within the last exam call of the fall session (on September/October).
  • The expected outcome of a programming project is the codebase, paired with a 15' presentation. The expected outcome of a reading project is a well-structured report, summarizing the key concepts, and a 15' presentation.
  • Projects are assigned on a FCFS basis, employing as timestamps the reception date of a mail directed to both the professor and the teaching assistant. A meeting in person will be arranged to provide further details to the project(s) you may be interested in, upon mail reception.

The project list will be available in the second week of April.

* The list does not include all the interests of the group: proposals coming from the students are welcome.